His Eye is on the Sparrow

Dec 22, 2017 12:23:39 PM

Jordan Tourism Board North America

To our friends worldwide celebrating this final week of #Advent with the glorious songs of old, we hope you enjoy this rendition of the not-so-ancient American hymn “His Eye is on the Sparrow,” filmed entirely on location along the Bible Trail in Jordan.

We are thankful to our friend Anna Carroll, managing editor of and founder of LightForce International, for sharing her Gift of Song and Hope.

Here are Anna’s own words about her experience filming and singing one of her favorite hymns throughout Jordan – the Land of the Baptism.

“I stood on top of Elijah’s hill where it is believed his ascension to heaven took place. I looked at the cave that is believed to be a place where John the Baptist lived. I caught a view of the wilderness around as it was when John lived and Elijah ascended. I saw where Jacob wrestled with an angel and his name was changed to Israel. I looked out at the view of the Promised Land as Moses once did atop of Mt. Nebo.  I walked by the Jordan River and saw the baptismal site of Jesus – the birthplace of Christianity. I connected deeply with Jesus as a man who once walked the earth. It is important to learn and understand the heritage of faith as a follower of Jesus Christ. 

“Christians are accepted and encouraged to come and see the history of their faith in the land of Jordan. I didn’t expect to encounter the person of Jesus Christ in such a profound way as I did. To walk where he walked and learn the culture of his time in a deeper way connected me to the man who lived and died so I could be free.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about freedom everywhere I went in Jordan. I knew I wasn’t experiencing freedom because Jordan was safe, I was experiencing freedom because every piece of history from the Bible that we explored was a reminder of the reason I exist.

“Jordan is an absolutely beautiful place and people there are so welcoming. Whenever I visit Jordan, a part of my heart always feels at home.”

-- Anna Carroll, Managing Editor of and Founder of LightForce International

Anna shares more reflections here. 

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