My Jordan Journal - Jordan Tourism Board N.A. Official Blog

Three Roman Camps Discovered in Jordan

Written by Leen Hajjar | Jun 1, 2023 4:30:00 PM

Archaeologists have discovered three Roman military camps in Jordan’s southern city of Maan. 

Using satellite imagery, a group of archeologists led by Michael Fradley of Oxford University’s School of Archaeology identified three previously undiscovered fortified camps. Dr. Fradley first recognized the camps on Google Earth and they were later photographed by the Aerial Archaeology in Jordan project (APAAME). The project is supported by the Arcadia Fund, which uses satellite imagery to identify and monitor the condition of archaeological sites. 

The three camps are approximately 37 to 44km apart and researchers are confident that they were built by the Roman army due to their typical playing card shape of enclosures with opposing entrances on each side. While the exact role behind the establishment of these camps is unknown, archaeologists have found that they were heading towards a settlement that was part of the Nabataean Kingdom in Saudi Arabia. This factor leads them to suggest that the camps were part of a military offensive that was needed to take over the area.

(Aerial view of the central camp, photo credit: Jordan Times)

Today, only the outlines of the camps remain and archaeologists still need to confirm the exact date of the camps, however, this discovery in Jordan reveals the historic importance of the region and the many ancient civilizations that were once part of the kingdom. From the Nabataean city of Petra, which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, to the incredible Greco-Roman ruins of Jerash, Jordan is filled with historic treasures that people have the privilege to visit and experience.


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