I love Amman's details: the earth, walls, old houses. I feel like they touch and comfort me.
I face society with my dreams and aspirations. They may be big, but my hope and motivation drive me, despite the difficulties. I'm inspired by the saying: "Great pain makes us great." As a child, I called myself the "critic", because I wanted to improve society. I believe every house has a story, and every person is a story, sacrifice, and struggle, inspiring us as they overcome their own difficulties.
(Heba Mafaddi; Photo credit: Heart of Amman by UNDP)
At first, I wanted to be a teacher to impact children. But, once I started working as one, I was hit by the reality that teachers are only expected to finish the curriculum. I became a puppeteer by chance. In college, I started the "Reader Today, Leader Tomorrow" initiative for schools where I was a storyteller and puppeteer, inspiring children and connecting them to nature and animals. I started my work in 2016 and I have managed to visit more than 40 schools since then. I started as a self-taught puppeteer driven by interest and passion, and when the Arabic version of my favorite childhood program started to be filmed here in Jordan, I joined them and learned more about this magical art form.
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